Introduction to Fortune Telling
Everyone desires to know what lies ahead in their lives. This power is made possible through the art of fortune-telling, and the many tools of divination that are used to achieve predictions.

It is possible to bend reality to your will. Fortune-telling gives you insight as to what the future may hold if you simply have faith in it. It’s important to note that we all have free-will, though we are guided by destiny. So, things can change at a moment’s notice depending on the choices you make right now in the present. Using divination methods helps you foresee unfavorable circumstances before they happen, so that you can truly unlock unlimited co-creator universal powers. Inspiring, no?

In the words of the wise Paul Coelho, author of The Alchemist, “ Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.” It’s only when we step into our own power as co-creators with the divine that we can truly realize our dream of allowing our intuition to guide us down a better path.

Renowned astrologer Robert Brezsny also lends a word of advice about the universe’s workings: “Factual information alone [masculine energy] isn’t sufficient to guide you through life’s labyrinth tests. You need and deserve regular deliveries of uncanny revelation [feminine energy]. One of your inalienable rights as a human being should therefore be to receive a mysteriously useful omen every day of your life.”

There is an inherent need for connection with the spiritual realms to receive divinely-guided insights. This is where fortune-telling comes in. When we practice it, we engage with the mystical, sacred realms that are not readily seen with the closed mind or naked eye. We must be open to the unknown, not fearful of it. Taking a deep dive in with an open heart and open mind is key.

If it was possible to work with your own personal team of spirit guides, angels, and ancestors each day, would you take that opportunity? Your “dream team” of guides is always around to help. However, you must open yourself up to asking for that help. As mentioned before, we each have free will. In order for our spirit guides to intervene, we must take pause and simply ask. It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated - simply call upon these archetypes for guidance and you shall receive it.

Remember that your guides want to see you thriving, successful, and reaching your highest potential. That’s what they’re here to support. It’s recommended that you take time out of each day to check in and open yourself up to divine guidance. The morning hours are best, as you may be inspired to set up some strong intentions and positive affirmations to guide you further throughout your day.

Everything in our universe has a code - a unique vibration - and that’s how your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors speak to you and send you omens. There are a few ways that you can recognize their messages; the most basic being numerology. Have you ever glanced at the clock and noticed 11:11? Or noticed that your grocery bill came out to $77.77? These are called “angel numbers.” They’re numbers that repeat in order to get your attention and make you more aware of the messages that are coming through from the divine. In the case of 11, a master number, sighting it means that you are being encouraged to tap into your intuition and trust that you are co-creating with the divine. It’s a clear sign that you have exceptional manifestation powers at this time. If you see repeated 2s, your partnerships and collaborations may be highlighted, including the relationships that you have with your spirit guides and ancestors. Now on to the basic rundown of each number...

The number 1 is indicative of fresh, new beginnings and independence. 2 reminds you that it’s important to collaborate peacefully with others (and the divine). When the number 3 is present, you may feel extra creative and expressive. 4 is the number of strong foundations. When you encounter 5, change is afoot, so you must remember to be adaptable. Number 6 is the number of domestic responsibility and nurturing - be kind to yourself. 7 is more than just the number of luck - it’s a sign to tap into your spiritual side. 8 is the number of power and material gain. When you see the number 9, it’s a timely reminder to take stock of where you’ve come from - the big picture - and also embrace endings.

As your relationships with your guides grow, you may notice that you’re seeing and noticing the numbers much more. If you ever feel lost or confused, or feel that you’re simply not on the right path, keep an eye out for your angel numbers. Pay attention to clocks, speedometers, receipts, and other methods that our guides use to communicate with us.

Tarot is an ancient divination tool that allows the user to become a channel for universal messages. This practice relies on feelings and intuition to bring about the message that you need to hear. It’s rife with storytelling and symbolism, which makes it all the easier to learn and translate! As always, you are the final say in your reality - you have free will.

The major arcana can be said to depict the ubiquitous Hero’s Journey and the major themes in life. The first 11 major arcana symbolize the journey from child to adult, while the second half deals more with spirituality and divine growth. The first card is The Fool, who represents blind faith and optimism, and the last card of the major arcana is The World, which stands for balance and complete manifestation of desires. In between, we have themes like Justice, the achievement of maturity, and The Hermit, a nod to trust your inner guidance system. We also have The Hanged Man, which may sound frightening, but in actuality is here to show you a different perspective of your reality.

The minor arcana are similar to a traditional card deck; we have the suits of wands, swords, cups, and pentacles. Wands represent your deepest desires and passions. Swords have to do with taking action and the Divine Masculine. Cups deal with emotions and the Divine Feminine. And Pentacles represent the material world, career, and finances. If, for instance, you pull the Two of Swords, you may find that you have a difficult choice to make, and may have trouble taking action based on this decision. On the flip side, pulling a Two of Cups may point to a lucrative and fruitful relationship or partnership with another. The more you pull cards, the faster you learn what the archetypes are trying to tell you.

Whether we realize it or not, angels guide us each and every day. They act as our protectors and guides, and are always available to help. In receiving an angel reading, you may be warned of potential energies that are impeding your progress, or you may simply be given a message of support and encouragement.

If you’re familiar with the archangels, you may find that you have a special connection to particular angels. However, what often happens is that a specific angel chooses to work with us based on what we need at the time. In any case, a great start would be to discover which angel corresponds with your sun sign (zodiac).
If you’re an Aries, the angel who looks over you is Ariel (fittingly). You can call upon this Archangel any time you need a new start in life. Taurus is governed by Chamuel, who helps you move forward if you feel that you’re on the wrong path. Zadkiel is Gemini’s angel. He helps us to balance our energy between the head and the heart. Archangel Gabriel guides Taurus with family responsibilities and child-rearing. Leo is guided by Raziel, who helps us remember and interpret dreams, and heal karmic relationships. Metatron looks over Virgo, and helps heal the energy body. Archangel Jophiel helps Libra in matters of love and partnership. Scorpio is guided by Jeremiel, who helps us deal with fear and the shadow side of the psyche. Sagittarius is assisted with matters of chasing dreams and heading into adventure by Archangel Raguel. Azrael is Capricorn’s angel. He helps guide us through suffering, loss, and fears surrounding death. Awuarius is guided by Uriel, who can be called upon for matters involving the intellect and thinking outside of the box. Finally, Pisces is governed by Archangel Sandalphon. This angel helps you develop psychic abilities and connect through music and creativity.

Please remember that you can call on any Archangel that you wish, depending on what’s needed in the moment, regardless of your sun sign. Be open to their messages and watch your life transform!

Now that you know the basics of fortune-telling, you’re ready to delve into the fascinating history of the practice. This membership will help you navigate these subjects in order to live your best life possible.

History of Fortune Telling >>