
We’re so glad you found your way to this space. Trust that you are meant to be here.

It’s imperative that you embrace the idea that the Universe is always sending you signs and messages that work for you, not against. You came here to feel through this human experience, and you will always have free will available to you.

The whole basis of our program is to help you receive the aforementioned messages and open yourself up to more possibilities and paths. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to make the choice to follow your divinely-guided destiny and manifest the life that you truly want.

Everything is energy -- some energy vibrates at a high frequency and some at a low frequency. We attract to us the energy that we are a current match to. You are a co-creator in this Universe and it’s imperative that you stay in a high vibrational state in order to manifest the life that you truly want to live.

This membership connects you to the divine life-force energy of the Universe, giving you insights into the energies that have an effect on you each day. Through this guidance, you are better able to become an alchemist and bend energy to your will. We offer to you daily interactive readings to help you navigate this divine power.

Have you ever heard of a parallel universe? It’s the idea that there exists another universe much like our own where alternate realities play out. There’s scientific backing for this theory, too -- during a study in Antarctica, scientists studied a balloon filled with antennas as it floated over the ice. The idea was to scan over a million kilometers to look for evidence of high-energy particles that arrived from space. Eventually, it was determined that a particular high-energy signal actually came from the ground. The discovery implies that there may be a polar opposite universe that was created during the same Big Bang as our own universe, where left is right, black is white, up is down, etc. These polar opposite energies still have an opportunity to mingle with our current reality, so it’s imperative to stay as high vibe as possible.

Your fortune-telling.com membership allows you to tap into the connection of the divine life-force energy of the Universe, giving you insight as to how these energies may affect you each day.

Daily Interactive Readings

• Numerology: There are divine codes in the universe, and your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors choose to speak to you through these codes. Seeing numbers like 11:11, 333, 999, and more are signals that you’re being guided by someone or something outside of yourself. It’s important to take pause when you’re gifted with this message and notice what you are doing and thinking when it hits you. You can see the numbers as signposts, so to speak, gently guiding you on the path you’re meant to be on. You simply must open yourself up to receiving this guidance and it will come to you.

• Tarot: This divination tool allows you to become a clear channel to messages from the universe. Intuition plays a huge role in tarot, as the logical mind is quieted while inherent instinct is relied upon to “choose” the right message for the right time. Tarot is highly symbolic, and can be seen as an art that delivers messages through storytelling (which helps you remember the messages that come through). Although tarot can predict the future, always remember that you have free choice and freewill.

• Angels: Whether you realize it or not, angels guide you each and every day. They’re your protectors, as well, shielding you from harm. You must, however, allow them to assist you. If you feel lost on your path, ask the angels for guidance. They may communicate with you through dreams, numbers, and symbols, so make sure you pay attention. Ask and you shall receive.

• Weekly Readings: Each week presents a whole new set of energies. And that energy can be broken down by day, since each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet (more on that in the Lucky Days guidebook). You can keep a weekly planner handy and jot down your major transits in it. And, once you learn which day is your “luckiest,” you can make even more plans that are sure to be advantageous.

• Astro Forecast Calendar: This is a handy guide that lays out your major transits each month. Once you know what you’re working with, you can be better prepared and better able to navigate the energy that’s coming at you. We also let you know when we’re in a planetary retrograde period and how to make the most out of it (rather than dread the retro). Moon cycles are another key guide in the calendar, helping you learn how to use the moon cycles to your advantage rather than letting your emotions rule you.
We invite you to explore our other guidebooks which will explain the valuable parts of the membership in greater detail. It’s amazing how lives can be changed beyond recognition once universal knowledge is tapped into! We can’t wait to see what you do with the sacred information provided.
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